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ssannadhasena@gmail.comPoverty does not just mean one's financial status. Poverty is the inability to meet the necessities of life due to inadequate services, social resources and racial, religious and gender discrimination. Therefore the process of identifying the extremely poor across the state through local bodies has been started, and through this endeavour we aim to track such deficiencies which go unnoticed otherwise. By participating in this, you can give a new light of hope to the most helpless human beings.
1. If you've already registered as sannadhasena volunteer, login to your profile and apply for absolute poverty survey.
2. If you are not a sannadhasena volunteer, Register as a sannadhasena volunteer and apply for absolute poverty survey in the registration form.
1. Volunteer should possess minimum Plust Two as educational qualification.
2. Volunteer should own a smart phone.
3. Age of volunteer should be in between 18 and 50.
The recent floods, cyclones and health emergencies including Nipah and Covid19 pandemic have necessitated community based volunteering to strengthen our social cohesion. Moved by the immense response of the civil society, the Government has decided to form the Directorate of Samoohika Sannadhasena also called Community Volunteer Corps, under the...
Read MoreThe primary motive is to transform the communities into self-sufficient and self-reliant entities during any adversity, bringing humanity together to serve the community with heartfulness. Being under the District Administration, it gives you an opportunity to learn and get trained on Disaster Responsiveness and allied services.
This specialized year long civic engagement program has been envisaged to deliver Government Services at the doorstep of those who find it difficult to access government offices and services. Under the respective LSGIs, you will be engaging with the marginalized sections of the society, like elderly, persons with disability, special needs, and people living in extreme poverty etc., giving you an immense opportunity to nurture humanity, leadership, coordination and social skills. It can act as a springboard for your career as a public servant.
Assisting the State Forces is a matter of pride! Join us and start assisting the State Police for law and protocol enforcement. Training sessions on legal system, force mannerism etc are awaiting you to transform you into responsible citizens of the country.
Health crises have been a major concern around the globe. The demand for health related workers is alarmingly high, but the resources are scarce. Be a health volunteer, serve our community and contain the spread.
This offers you a general volunteering system wherein you can volunteer/serve as per your availability, ultimately giving you a chance to share your knowledge and expertise to build and strengthen welfare societies.
The challenges that we faced collectively as a society have been an astonishing opportunity for nurturing community based skilled volunteering. Kerala, known for its secular wisdom, has shown that humanity can transcend political and religious boundaries. Infact, considering the need to strengthen communities through civic
engagement and to sustain the consciousness of collective empowerment, the Government is convinced to establish a State based Community Volunteer Corps called Samoohika Sannadhasena, a unique initiative in the Country. Currently, Sannadhasena has a volunteer base of over 3.5 Lakh.
Being a part of the State Governance, Sannadhasena Volunteers are awaiting huge opportunities to deliver justice to the needy and to become part of the social change. The concept of Volunteerism is highly relevant for developing personal skills including humanity, leadership and social relations.
I call on you to join Sannadhasena and start serving our community, building a better place to co-exist. We are all together. The Government is with you.
- Pinarayi Vijayan
Chief Minister of Kerala
The flood days proved this. I am delighted to acknowledge the remarkable service rendered by our youth who came up with compassion, care and empathy towards our community. I feel honoured to be a part of the team. Being the Goodwill Ambassador, I urge everyone to join Sannadhasena and start contributing in all ways possible. Seeing someone happy and satisfied would make our lives meaningful.
Join our team and unfurl the true potential of humanity!
Goodwill Ambassador of Sannadhasena
I have been a part of Sannadhasena since its inception. I have done everything I could do as a volunteer ...
It gives me great pleasure to work for the community during lockdowns and whenever necessary...
I have been a Sannadhasena Volunteer since the start of Community Kitchens during the past lockdown...
I feel proud to volunteer through Sannadhasena during these tough times. I was able to render services...
Those 113 days of volunteering in medical college were moments of unwavering joy and pride in being able...
I have been volunteering through Sannadhasena since its inception. In the beginning, a lot of people...
It has been a great honour and privilege to lead ‘Karuthaam Vidyalayangale’ awareness campaign in Alappuzha...
The service rendered by Sannadhasena Volunteers of the Government of Kerala in helping our fraternity during distresses is invaluable. Let us join hands in volunteering to overcome these pandemics with our collective effort.
Playback Singer
Volunteers who saved thousands of lives during floods, cyclones and pandemics are the real heroes who defined volunteerism through their work. Samoohika Sannadhasena of Government of Kerala has been doing outstanding service by extending their helping hands to people living in distress, which is the testament to humanity. Be the part of Samoohika Sannadhasena, be the part of collective empowerment of our society.
Script Writer